As Mine Exactly
Charlie Shackleton
24 performances
30 minutes
Subtitled version available upon request
A mother and son revisit the medical emergency that reshaped their lives, and the remarkable fragments that remain of that time, in this intimate blend of virtual reality and performance film.
As Mine Exactly, by documentary filmmaker Charlie Shackleton, is a half-hour performance for an audience of one utilising VR technology.
How to book
There will be eight performance slots per day, each with a capacity of one. The piece is a one on one, 30-minute, in person performance during which you will wear a VR headset. It will be performed at a venue about a four-minute walk from the cinema. You can read more about the piece and consider whether you would like to claim one of 24 performance slots at this link.
If you decide you would like to claim a ticket, you can book your slot at this link.
As performance slots are limited, please only claim a ticket if you know you will be able to attend.
Tickets are £10.
If you have a festival pass, your ticket comes free with the pass. If you would like to buy a pass, you can do so at here.
Due to the limited availability of this performance, we anticipate high demand, so please book soon to avoid disappointment.